
Showing posts from December, 2024

Food For Thought

     What did you eat for breakfast? A seemingly simple question. Do you know the carbon footprint of what you ate--the resources that went into producing it? Not so simple now.     Many of us go through our days without considering the food we eat, and the impact it has on the environment. Seemingly, our food choices have little to no effect on the world around us when compared to other issues. Most would agree, however, that an estimated  25-35%  of greenhouse gas emissions coming from our food systems is no small deal. Food Production At a glance, food production: accounts for over a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions uses half the world's habitable land uses 70% of global freshwater withdrawals degrades soil quality and pollutes waterways from chemical fertilizers and pesticides pollutes the air, water, and soil from excess animal waste decreases biodiversity     Food production  includes everything from first producing raw ingr...